Chance still envelop spoiled in heaven. The tops of the leaves still wet imprint like a rainy remnants of pearl beads.
That afternoon the deer running in the forest frontier. He's on his way home after a day of enjoying the forest grass
From a distance the deer see the horse run fast.
Strands of hair that grows feathers tub at the top of the neck windswept loose, making it look very dashing horse and amazing.
The horse continued to run toward the deer. With her toned passing through the deer and treading water puddle near the deer until the water was gushing about the deer are startled.
"Hey horse ..! Careful . Dong Street View ...!". Shouted deer.
Feeling himself in scolds, the horse stopped and approached the deer.
"So what? It's a public road, so free dong". Said the Horse denied.
"Yeah .. But look-see also other road users. Do quickly when run, it's not the way you had ancestors .. ".
Said the deer a little miffed.
"Well .. what indeed his your business? I want to run fast or not, that's my rights. At most you're just jealous because he can not run as fast as me.
It is no secret that I'm the fastest animal in the entire forest
This, even tigers and lions were not able to defeat me .. hahaha .. ". said horse arrogantly.
Feeling himself in contempt, the deer was being challenged. Then arise his mind reckless intent on ...
"Wow .. who's to say I will lose by you? If you were brave, how where when we held the race for proof ".
Challenged the deer.
"Well ... well. Who's afraid? Surely I will win .. hahaha
When and where is the place? Sila was you who choose .. ". Said the horse becomes arrogant.
"Tomorrow afternoon .. in the middle of the forest hills. Anyone that can be used to at the top of the hill, he was the winner .. ". replied deer.
"Well .. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Basis deer loser .. hahaha ...". Said the horse as he ran from the deer.
Next day early morning deer had come to the hill. He practiced and trying to learn the terrain race.
While sleeping with the horses all day lazing.
He did not practice because they believe speed with which he had, he surely would be the winner.
Eventually sorepun time arrives. The horses come to take along his friends, aim to mock deer when he won later.
And deer friends were also coming, they want to give support and spirit to the deer in order to try and not give up easily.
Her finalThe race has begun. With the speed that he has, the horse led at the start of the match.
But when he reached the middle of the trip, things began to change.
Forest roads are full of twigs of trees and shrubs to make the difficulties horses ran, until his run so slow.
While the deer that have been diligently practicing tau terrain because no
find it difficult at all.
With his small but nimble and agile, the deer can avoiding twigs and through the bush with ease.
And finally the deer can win the race because of the persistence and enthusiasm for the practice. While the horse know that he was defeated by the deer, only may downcast and feeling very embarrassed at the words she boasted it self.
And from then on, the horse did not dare brag again ...